How Navy SEAL Mental Training Helped Me Win The USA Memory Championships

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Secrets of thinking like a US Navy SEAL. I became a national champ using Navy SEAL techniques. My top 5 lessons I learned from my Navy SEAL coach, TC Cummings.

He taught me so many things and propelled me to 2 national memory championships.

What if you could have Navy SEAL mental toughness training?

What would be the result of Navy SEAL mental training?

I tell you what it meant for me....


Navy SEAL mental toughness training was what TC Cummings gave me when I was training for the USA Memory Championship.

The USA Memory Championship is a great event and a lot of fun but I didn't go for fun I went to become the USA Memory Champion. With TC Cummings Navy SEAL mental toughness training I became a two time USA Memory Champion.

These are the Navy SEAL mental toughness lessons I learned:

1. Build confidence by setting small goals and accomplishing them
2. Face a consequence when you don't hit a goal or do what you say you are going to do to mentally wipe the slate clean so you aren't beating yourself up over it
3. Make your training harder than the actual event so the actual event will be easy on you
4. Remind yourself of your past successes so you have a history of winning mindset
5. Train when you don't feel like it.

These powerful Navy SEAL mental toughness training lessons really made an impact on me.

If you watch the video above you can see me memorizing a deck of cards under water and swimming across a pool in freezing cold weather.

The harder you are on yourself when no one else is watching the easier life will be on you. The easier you are on yourself when no one else is watching the harder life will be on you.

The more you sweat in times of peace, the less you bleed in times of war.

Navy SEAL mental toughness training is how I became a 2 Time USA Memory Champion. I hope this video helps and inspires you.


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