Maulana Mushtaque Anfar, addressing the gathering during the DECA PD Program at Jamia Jalalia Hojai.

Описание к видео Maulana Mushtaque Anfar, addressing the gathering during the DECA PD Program at Jamia Jalalia Hojai.

جامعہ جلالیہ ہوجائی میں شخصیت سازی پروگرام کا انعقاد؛ علماء اور تعلیمی حلقے نے طلباء کی کارکردگی کو سراہا۔

جامعہ جلالیہ کے ایک مہتمم، عطریات کے مشہور تاجر اور معروف سماجی شخصیت، مولانا مشتاق احمد عنفر اس پروگرام کے مہمان خصوصی تھے۔ مولانا عنفر نے طلباء کی معیاری اور انگریزی زبان میں حیران کن کارکردگی سے متاثر ہوکر DECA کا آئندہ مزید تعاون کا وعدہ کیا اور اعتراف کیا کہ جامعہ سے اپنے 18 سالہ تعلق میں انہوں نے ایسی کارکردگی کبھی نہیں دیکھی تھی۔ انہوں نے دور حاضر میں انگریزی زبان کی اہمیت پر زور دیتے ہوئے طلباء کو مدارس سے فراغت کے بعد DELL کورس کی ترغیب دی۔

اجمل فاؤنڈیشن کے ڈائریکٹر ڈاکٹر خسرالاسلام نے طلباء کی قابل تعریف صلاحیتوں اور DECA کی لگن کو سراہا۔ بہت سی دیگر معروف شخصیات جیسے بزرگ عالم دین اور ہوجائی کی مشہور شخصیت مولانا اجیر الدین، مولانا عبدالعلیم چودھری، جنرل سیکریٹری مرکز المعارف، ڈاکٹر ایم آر ایچ آزاد اور ڈاکٹر رضی احمد قاسمی سمیت عنفر سپر 50 کے ذمہ داران بھی موجود تھے، جنہوں نے طلباء کی حوصلہ افزائی کرتے ہوئے اپنی تجربات اور علمی خیالات کا اظہار کیا نیز طلباء کو مستقبل میں مزید بہتر کارکردگی کے لئے رہنمائی بھی فرمائی۔

Jamia Jalalia Hojai Hosts PD Program; Scholars and Academia Applause DECA Students

Department of English and Computer Applications (DECA) of Jamia Islamia Jalalia, Hojai, Assam holds Personality Development Programme at its campus on 28 July, 2024.

Maulana Mushtaque Ahmad Anfar, addressing the gathering during the DECA PD Program at Jamia Islamia Jalalia Hojai Assam.

The Department of English and Computer Applications (DECA) at Jamia Islamia Jalalia, Hojai, Assam hosted an important program to showcase its students’ performance on Personality Development (PD) and English language and communication skills on 28 July 2024. The Jamia Jalalia is among the top ranking non-government (Qaumi) madrasa in Assam and northeast India with different post-madrasa courses including Diploma in English Language and Literature (DELL). The new DELL batch of students, enrolled in 2024, have just passed two months while learning English language from the very A, B, C, D. Their on-stage performance within this short span of time made the audience wonderstruck.

The DECA PD program featured an array of quality performances from madrasa graduates (fresh ulama) where they presented English speeches on various burning topics and was attended by both Muslims and non-Muslims intellectuals from different spectrum of life along with esteemed local community members and senior faculty members of the Jamia.

Maulana Mushtaque Ahmad Anfar, addressing the gathering during the DECA PD Program at Jamia Islamia Jalalia, Hojai.

Maulana Mushtaque Ahmad Anfar, one of the Mohtamims (VCs) of the Jamia, a famous perfume tycoon and a visionary philanthropist, graced the program as chief guest. Maulana Anfar was impressed by the students’ display of quality and eloquence in English. He pledged full support in favour of DECA, admitting that he has never observed such performances in his 18-year tenure while being connected to the Jamia as one of the senior most admins. He also emphasized on the importance of English language proficiency in the contemporary era, encouraging the students to pursue the DELL course following their Fazilat (graduation) degrees in madrasas.

Dr. Khasrul Islam, Director of Ajmal Foundation, praised the students’ remarkable talent and the DECA’s dedication to excellence.
Many other towering personalities like Maulana Abdul Alim Chaudhury, General Secretary of Markazul Ma’arif (NGO), Dr MRH Azad and Dr. Razi Ahmad Qasmi including faculty members from Anfar Super 50 were also present and shared their expert views while encouraging the students and tipping them to perform even better in future.


Department of English and Computer Applications (DECA) of Jamia Islamia Jalalia, Hojai offers a two year Diploma in English Language and Literature (DELL) course to the freshly graduated madrasa pass outs. DELL course is designed and nationally promoted by Mumbai based Markazul Ma’arif Education and Research Center (MMERC). DECA of Jalalia is academically affiliated with MMERC, Mumbai. Maulana Zahirul Islam Qasmi, Lecturer a DECA of Jamia Jalalia compared the PD programme and earned appreciations for his students and the Jamia.

Jamia jalalia Hojai Assam
Jamia Islamia Jalalia Hojai Assam
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