Norpole PZGX Controller Parameters

Описание к видео Norpole PZGX Controller Parameters

Nick goes over some basic settings with the Carel PZGX controller: setting the temperature, turning the cooling system off and on, and manually putting the unit into defrost mode. For those wanting to adjust any of the factory default parameters of the controller, a list of each code and what it relates to is provided. The PZGX controller is used in these models: NE12R, NE19R, NE35R, NP1R, NP2R, NP3R, NP1R-G, NP2R-G, NP3R-G, NP1R-SW, NP1R-SWMT, NP2R-SW36, NP2R-SWMT36, NP2R-SW, NP2R-SWMT, NP2R-SW60, NP2R-SWMT60, NP3R-SW, NP3R-SWMT, NP1R-27UC, NP2R-48UC, NP2R-60UC, NP1R-PT, NP2R-PT, NP3R-PT, NPGR1-S9B, NPGR1-S, NPGR1-SB, NPGR2-S, NPGR2-SB


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