2007 Camden Conference - Janusz Bugajski

Описание к видео 2007 Camden Conference - Janusz Bugajski

Director, Eastern Europe Project, Center for Strategic and International Studies (Washington, D.C.)

“How New Members in Central and Eastern Europe Will Change the E.U.”

For most Americans, Europe is familiar, even taken for granted. So many of our cultural and historical roots lie in Europe, yet we have often ignored or overridden Europe as we have defined our role in the world.

The 20th annual Camden Conference, Europe, which took place February 23-25, 2007, took a closer look at Europe’s current trends, complexities, and global relations. The event also highlighted some lessons that Americans could be learning from European experiences and perspectives.

The moderator for the 2007 Camden Conference was James W. Warhola, Professor of Political Science at the University of Maine in Orono.


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