Pokémon Y Randomizer Nuzlocke | Part 37

Описание к видео Pokémon Y Randomizer Nuzlocke | Part 37

In this playthrough of randomized Pokemon ultra moon i have a 10% level modifier for enemy pokemon, and have given all important and boss trainers a full party of 6 how long will i last? Find out by keeping up with the series as it releases

Nuzlocke rules:

1: A player can only catch the first Pokemon they encounter on each route of the game (For UsUm parts of routes that are named count)

2: if a Pokemon faints it is considered dead and can not be used in the rest of the playthrough.

My Personal rules:
1: if you black out and have pokemon remaining in the box you are allowed to continue using ONLY those mons
2: I do not follow the nickname rule but if you would like to be named after a pokemon leave a comment : )
3. I Count static encounters as SEPERATE encounters to the route they are found on.

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