Shakes & Fidget - End of Dungeonpause on w50 - from lvl 514 to lvl 554

Описание к видео Shakes & Fidget - End of Dungeonpause on w50 - from lvl 514 to lvl 554

On W50 i play an mage.

With around level 370 i started my Dungeonpause there. While in Dungeonpause i still did some more Light World Dungeons and some more stages of the Continous Loop of Idols for some more %'s in the scrapbook. So it was not an hard full stop. But i did not do Twister and Shadow World Dungeons anymore.

I ended my Dungeonpause a bit late here on w50 than it is usually done, but i wanted to be at least lvl 550 after doing all the possible dungeons after ending my Dungeonpause. And of course i wanted to do it when an Legendary Dungeon is open to equip me fully with new good stuff ;)

After the finish of my Dungeonpause i now have the highest level, at least for now. From now on i will only play for gold. Let the time tell how good or how bat this long Dungeonpause is in the log run.

It took me quite some time to edit the video, have fun with watching it :)

All this was done at the 17.12.2023 on w50.



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