Stadium Kantrida | Stadion Kantrida | Rijeka | Hrvatska | Croatia | 4K

Описание к видео Stadium Kantrida | Stadion Kantrida | Rijeka | Hrvatska | Croatia | 4K

Jedan od najljepših i najposebnijih stadiona na svijetu, stadion Kantrida u Rijeci. Danas se na stadionu Kantrida više ne igra prvoligaški nogomet, ali stadion je bio i ostao u srcu svih Riječana.

Stadion je izgrađen 1913. godine. Apsolutni rekord posjećenosti stadiona postignut je 1999. kada je na Kantridi gostovao Osijek, tada se okupilo oko 26.000 ljudi. 1984. Rijeka je ugostila Real Madrid, i u toj utakmici pobjedu Rijeke 3:1 gledalo je 22.000 gledatelja. Legendarne su i utakmice kvalifikacija za prvu nogometnu ligu Jugoslavije protiv Crvenke i Novog Sada koje je gledalo preko 20.000 gledatelja.

Kantrida je bila rekonstruirana nekoliko puta. Kapacitet od 25.000 gledatelja, koji je imala prije zabrane stajaćih mjesta, smanjivan je do kapaciteta od približno 10.000 gledatelja na sjedećim mjestima. Napravljen je na mjestu bivšeg kamenoloma i zato ga zovu stadionom pod stijenama. Ima izuzetno atraktivan i jedinstven položaj: na jednoj strani su stijene, a na drugoj more.

Tijekom radova u 2010. godini na pomoćnom igralištu Stadiona Kantrida postavljena je nova umjetna trava koja udovoljava najvišim FIFA-inim standardima za umjetne travnjake. Igralište je dobilo i novi sustav polijevanja travnjaka te su izrađeni nova zaštitna ograda i sedam metara visoka čelična konstrukcija uz južni rub igrališta. Također, povećana je i udaljenost zidova od linije igrališta, a zidovi su dodatno obloženi. Nakon izvedenih radova i provedenih testiranja, igralište je dobilo FIFA Recommended 2 Star certifikat, koji u Hrvatskoj ima još jedino igralište reprezentacije u Rovinju. Objekt je s centrom grada povezan autobusnom linijom br. 1. Osnovna namjena je za športove: nogomet i atletiku. Uz to objekt se povremeno koristi za koncerte i turnire. (Izvor: Wikipedija


One of the most beautiful and most attractive stadiums in the world, the Kantrida Stadium in Rijeka. Today, Kantrida stadium no longer plays football, but the stadium was and remained at the heart of all the citizens of Rijeka.

The location was used as a stone quarry before the first football ground was created on the site in 1911 by HŠK Victoria, a football club based in Sušak (presently part of Rijeka; but at the time a separate town east of the city),and the first football match played at Kantrida was held in 1913, a friendly between Victoria and Građanski Zagreb.

Victoria continued to use the stadium until the end of World War I and the collapse of Austria-Hungary in 1918. The city of Rijeka was then first declared part of the Italian Regency of Carnaro (1919–1920), then the Free State of Fiume (1920–1924), before being formally annexed by Kingdom of Italy in 1924, which remained unchanged until the end of World War II. During this period between 1919 and 1945 Victoria's home town of Sušak was located on the other side of the border as it was incorporated into the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, so the club was unable to use the ground.

In 1925, the 8,000 capacity stands were built by the newly established local Italian club U.S. Fiumana who went on to use the stadium between 1926 and 1945 while competing in the Italian league system. The stadium was at the time known as Stadio Comunale del Littorio, but was also commonly referred to as Borgomarina, as this was the Italian name for the neighbourhood.

After World War II the city of Rijeka and its surrounding area became part of SFR Yugoslavia and both Fiumana and Victoria were dissolved in 1945.[4] A new club called NK Kvarner was established in 1946 to replace them and used the stadium in 1946, before moving to Campo Cellini until 1951. The club returned to Stadion Kantrida following renovation in 1951 and used it interchangeably with Campo Cellini until the mid-1950s. NK Kvarner changed their name to NK Rijeka in 1954. Since the mid-1950s, Stadion Kantrida has served as Rijeka's home ground.

The stadium was renovated twice, in 1951 and 1958. It formerly had a capacity of 25,000, but in 1999 this was reduced to approximately 10,600 (due to the gradual evolution of UEFA safety standards) and floodlights were installed in 1975. In August 2012, a new 80m² LED display was installed, the largest in Croatia and one of the ten largest in Europe.
In December 2013, Adamić press published a monograph that accounts for the first one-hundred years of Stadion Kantrida's history. (Source: Wikipedia

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