
Описание к видео Acts

Acts 25:15-21 ESV
[15] and when I was at Jerusalem, the chief priests and the elders of the Jews laid out their case against him, asking for a sentence of condemnation against him. [16] I answered them that it was not the custom of the Romans to give up anyone before the accused met the accusers face to face and had opportunity to make his defense concerning the charge laid against him. [17] So when they came together here, I made no delay, but on the next day took my seat on the tribunal and ordered the man to be brought. [18] When the accusers stood up, they brought no charge in his case of such evils as I supposed. [19] Rather they had certain points of dispute with him about their own religion and about a certain Jesus, who was dead, but whom Paul asserted to be alive. [20] Being at a loss how to investigate these questions, I asked whether he wanted to go to Jerusalem and be tried there regarding them. [21] But when Paul had appealed to be kept in custody for the decision of the emperor, I ordered him to be held until I could send him to Caesar.”

Acts 25:15-21 NCV
[15] When I went to Jerusalem, the leading priests and the elders there made charges against him, asking me to sentence him to death. [16] But I answered, ‘When a man is accused of a crime, Romans do not hand him over until he has been allowed to face his accusers and defend himself against their charges.’ [17] So when these people came here to Caesarea for the trial, I did not waste time. The next day I sat on the judge’s seat and commanded that the man be brought in. [18] They stood up and accused him, but not of any serious crime as I thought they would. [19] The things they said were about their own religion and about a man named Jesus who died. But Paul said that he is still alive. [20] Not knowing how to find out about these questions, I asked Paul, ‘Do you want to go to Jerusalem and be judged there?’ [21] But he asked to be kept in Caesarea. He wants a decision from the emperor. So I ordered that he be held until I could send him to Caesar.”

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