Merkle-Hellman Knapsack Algorithm Part 1: Generating the Public Key

Описание к видео Merkle-Hellman Knapsack Algorithm Part 1: Generating the Public Key

STEP 1: Create a superincreasing sequence
STEP 2: Sum the sequence terms and choose an integer 'm' greater than the sum
STEP 3: Choose another integer 'w' such that w is less than m and the gcd(w,m) = 1
STEP 4: Find the modular inverse of w modulo m
STEP 5: Compute the public key sequence e from sequence d

INTRODUCTION: One of the earliest public key cryptosystems is the Merkle-Hellman Knapsack Algorithm, which uses mathematical problems to secure communication. In this first part of our series, we will explore the math and algorithm required to generate a public key. We will cover the role of a superincreasing sequence and discuss modular inverses, which are key components in this process.


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