NCI's Genomic Data Commons 2.0

Описание к видео NCI's Genomic Data Commons 2.0

This video provides an overview of the new cancer genomics data and resources available at NCI’s Genomic Data Commons (GDC). The GDC is a data sharing and analysis platform that brings genomic and clinical data to enable researchers to perform analyses on exact cases directly in the web browser and then to download. Interactive tools to conduct detailed gene and variant-level analyses include: creating bar charts of clinical variables and comparing survival; the ability to visualize gene expression patterns via heatmaps and cluster diagrams; the ability to view the most frequently mutated genes in specific somatic mutations; OncoMatrix, to visualize combinations of mutations and look for common co-occurrences or mutual exclusivity; and ProteinPaint, to visualize where mutations are located along a protein, how often they are occurring, and what the consequences might be. The Genomic Data Commons is found at


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