Why is the West is So Rich?

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00:00 Introduction
00:43 How Free Markets Rhetoric Developed
04:46 The Cannibalization of Japan (The Rigging of "Core-Core" Competition)
08:46 Interfering in Competition As a Feature of Capitalism
14:37 Economic Imperialism and SAPs
17:58 The Meme of Modern Protectionism
20:33 Conclusion

Addendum: Japan is a core nation, but has had strategies normally aimed at the periphery imposed on it (much like the "lesser" European countries) through i.e. the Plaza Accords. The point of the Japan example and the "core-core competition" section is to show how competition isn't allowed even between "allies". The reason I highlighted currency value manipulation instead of the usual unequal exchange/value transference is because I've covered that extensively in earlier videos. Had I had more time, I would've expanded the example to include examples from the periphery instead of just pointing you to another video of mine. I realized that this could cause confusion upon rewatching this so I'm leaving this addendum.


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