Solo Soul Raid w/ 6-Star KONAN (No 7-Star Units) | 5 Units | Roblox All Star Tower Defense | astd

Описание к видео Solo Soul Raid w/ 6-Star KONAN (No 7-Star Units) | 5 Units | Roblox All Star Tower Defense | astd

Roblox All Star Tower Defense Latest Update: October 16, 2023
New Z-Banner Unit: 6 Star KONAN / Paper Beauty Goddess

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I hope this strategy can help you in your astd journey. Maybe you can do it better.
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Thank you so much. I appreciate it.

This is SHARING and FREE for all. Positivity.

Tracks Used:
Youtube Audio Library. Artist: NEFFEX

#astd #allstartowerdefense #roblox
#soulraid #soul #soulraidsolo
#paperbeauty #goddess #konan
#soloraid #raidsolo #raid
#update #newunit #no7star
#bestunit #howtosolo #fastestway
#howtobeat #tutorial #guide
#method #easiestway #6star
#noob #noobtopro #noob_to_pro
#maskhollow #solo

Solo Soul Raid w/ 6-Star KONAN (No 7-Star Units) | 5 Units | Roblox All Star Tower Defense | astd


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