Learn a Texas Blues Riff in 60 seconds! - It's only 8 notes!!!!!

Описание к видео Learn a Texas Blues Riff in 60 seconds! - It's only 8 notes!!!!!

First of all, apologies for my Peter Stringfellow impression, haha, this is an old vid and I was listening to a lot of Megadeth.

This is a quick 60 second lesson teaching an 8 note Texas blue shuffle. This is great if you want to sound like Stevie ray Vaughan and I always play it with a drag (swing 8ths). I would recommend memorising the first four notes, then the next four notes. Then just slowly repeat to get them in your memory and build a synapse or two. When we learn something our brain will embed the action/behaviour with a physical action by creating a brain synapse for the new action. When we repeat the action or behaviour the synapse starts to grow (myelin repeatedly coats the synapse and makes it bigger), which results in behaviours/actions becoming more frequent and second nature. By repeating the 8 note phrase over and over your brain will create the new synapse and with repetition then strengthen it with repeated myelin coats (myelination) and this will allow the electrical signals to pass through the synapse faster. Eventually it will be hardwired into our brain structure, it is at this point we have it fully memorised and can perform the action without thinking.

Now stop reading and get practicing!!!!! Only joking, have a great day wherever you are!



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