Arduino Setup in GNU Octave

Описание к видео Arduino Setup in GNU Octave

The Arduino forge package facilitates the interface to an Arduino. This tutorial demonstrates:

1. Install Octave
2. Install the Arduino package: pkg install -forge arduino
3. Write the Arduino firmware: arduinosetup
4. Load Arduino package: pkg load arduino
5. Connect to Arduino Leonardo: a = arduino
6. Read voltage on Analog Pin 0: v1 = readVoltage(a,'A0')
7. Convert voltage to degrees Celsius from TMP36 sensor: T1 = (v1-0.5)*100
8. Turn on LED with Pulse Width Modulation: writePWMDutyCycle(a,'D9',0.5)
9. Turn on Heater with Pulse Width Modulation: writePWMDutyCycle(a,'D3',0.6)
10. Disconnect: clear a

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