Christian Worship September 8, 2024 The Global Methodist Church

Описание к видео Christian Worship September 8, 2024 The Global Methodist Church

Widnoon-Kellersburg-Templeton Community Charge
A Global Methodist Community
September 8th, 2024
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Welcome and Announcements

Opening Prayer

Call to Worship
Leader: Let us continue in our work.
People: Let us live in manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.
L: Let us be in one spirit, striving side by side,
P: Let us find Christ in our struggles,
L: Let us be surprised by the joy in our faith,
P: Let us find you, O God, in all our work.

Opening Hymn: O, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing
Worship His Majesty Hymnal - 46
The American Service Hymnal - 7

Joys and Concerns

Pastoral Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer

Children’s Sermon

Scripture Reading: James 2:1-17

Response to the Word:
L: This is the Word of God, for the people of God.
P: Thanks be to God.

God’s Word for Us: Poor vs. Rich


Closing Hymn: Wonderful Words of Life
Worship His Majesty Hymnal - 315
The American Service Hymnal - 385


Contact the Pastor
Craig R. Lindahl
Cell Phone: (724) 464-9986
Email: [email protected]
Church Address: P.O. Box 177, Templeton, PA 16259

Next Week’s Scriptures: Proverbs 1:20-33; Psalm 19; James 3:1-12;
Mark 8:27-38


Online worship will continue to be available at 6 am every Sunday. On the Widnoon, Kellersburg, Templeton Charge Facebook page and the Craig Lindahl YouTube page

Templeton Board Meeting: September 16, 6:30 PM

Templeton Community Church Christmas Shoeboxes - Each month we will collect a certain type of item. There will be a bin on the front pew where you can place gifts all month. Items for September will Games.
Women’s Retreat – Oct 5th, 2024 8am-5pm
Event Address: 121 Belltown Rd. Contact Patsy Simon at: (724) 217-2441 or email at [email protected]. Registration closes 9/24/2024. Early Bird registration is $20 (Cutoff for Early Bird savings 9/18/24). Regular Registration is $25. Cost includes: Light Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks and Drinks. Payment can be made using cash, check, or Zelle (QR code at bottom of google doc available online) If paying by check, can be sent to Templeton Community Church Women’s Retreat Attention: Patsy Simon, 121 Belltown Road, PO Box 6
Templeton, Pa. 16259. (This is an outside event under tents). We will be having a raffle basket table. All donations from this event will go to support Mechling-Shakley Veterans Center to “Offer Hope in the Midst of Despair.”
Please contact Patsy Simon 724-217-2441 should you have any questions or would like to make a donation to this event. Google form for online registration:


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