Mega Man & Bass (Perfect Runs) - King's Fortress : Stage 2 Part 1

Описание к видео Mega Man & Bass (Perfect Runs) - King's Fortress : Stage 2 Part 1

Ugh... sorry about the lateness on this one, but this is truly the earliest I could get a video uploaded today. Putting it simply... it has been a very... VERY long day, and every bone in my legs is hurting from spending too much time cramped up... bleh. Onto this ridiculously long stage... This stage basically throws every old tricky in the book at you along with a few new little things... as well as just being really really long. The video title should make it clear that this stage is so long, it requires two videos. This stage is basically three normal sized fortress stages all combined into one, and thus, there are enough bosses in the stage to support this theory. There are four bosses total, and there are two in today's video.

The first boss is a giant tank... You need to use the Remote Mine or a similar weapon in order to hit its front cannon and upper part when they are vulnerable. Not doing such will more than likely get you smacked in the face, thus, I choose to go with the Remote Mine. There is also a hatch on the back to destroy, and once each part is destroyed, you move onto another segment of the stage.

At the end of the next segment is a fyling... thing... type boss. This one only has one target, the small, glass dome on its head. The whole battle is fought with platforms rising up to give you a path to follow... One of the boss's attack destroys platforms it collids with, so be careful. Mega Man gets around twice as many platforms rising up for him, but this makes sense due to hits limited mobility. Taking down this boss leads onto yet another segment of the stage, but that will be covered in the next video.



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