How Madame Web Should Have Ended

Описание к видео How Madame Web Should Have Ended

The Madame Web HISHE Cartoon. When Cassandra Webb's super hero debut falls flat, Its time for a real hero to fix the timeline all the way back to the Pitch Meeting.

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Thank you to Ryan George from ‪@PitchMeetings‬ for joining us and making this alternate ending super easy, barely an inconvenience!

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Written By; Tina Alexander and Daniel Baxter
Artwork/Animation: ‪@SimpleCap‬

Daniel Baxter
Tina Alexander
Emily April Lou ‪@emilyaprilliu‬
Ryan George‪@RyanGeorge‬

Music: Pond5

Check Out Previous Episodes:
Previously on DUNE:
   • Previously on Dune  

Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse - How It Should Have Ended
   • How Spider-Man Across The Spider-Vers...  

How Batman Should Have Ended
   • How Batman Should Have Ended (1989)  


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