Jazz Guitar Comping Lesson

Описание к видео Jazz Guitar Comping Lesson

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Videos mentioned in this lesson:
Mike Moreno - Rhythmic Comping Guitar Lesson
   • Mike Moreno - Rhythmic Comping Guitar...  

Three Note Voicings and Beyond - Jazz Guitar Chords
   • Three Note Voicings and Beyond - Jazz...  

Spice Up Your Comping With These Rhythmic Patterns
   • Spice Up Your Comping With These Rhyt...  

The Complete Book of Harmony, Theory & Voicing for Guitar
   • The Complete Book of Harmony, Theory ...  

Drop Voicings Explained
   • Drop Voicings Explained  

The guitar is a Guild t50 slim
(I use a POG1 for the "synth" effect)



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