The Advanced Guide to Wine Faults and Taints

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In this video I tell you how to identify wine faults and taints. What's the difference between a fault and taint? How to identify cork taint, oxidation, volatile acidity, reduction and Brett.
This is an advanced version perfect for WSET Level 3 and 4

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0:00 Introduction
0:01 Wine Faults/Taints with Jimmy Smith
1:16 Defining a Wine Fault/Taints
5:25 Cork Taint
8:45 2-4-6 TriChloroAnisole (TCA)
10:23 What TCA smells like
14:06 Controlled Positive Oxidation
15:18 What Oxidation smells like
16:19 Volatile Acidity
18:08 What VA smells like
18:47 Reduction and Volatile Sulfur
22:40 What Reduction smells like
24:39 Brettanomyces
27:39 What Brett smells like
29:57 Tips on keeping wine fresh


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