Alpha DME Coconut Oil with 2nd Generation Owner Chris Gursche - Extra Virgin Coconut Oil Benefits

Описание к видео Alpha DME Coconut Oil with 2nd Generation Owner Chris Gursche - Extra Virgin Coconut Oil Benefits

National Nutrition interviewed Chris Gersche and he gave us the inside scoop on Alpha Health Products delicious DME Coconut Oil.

View this product at:
450ml (plastic jar):
1.75l (plastic jar):
475ml(glass jar):
1.75l (glass jar):

Alpha Health Products DME Coconut Oil:
The ONLY Virgin Coconut Oil on the market that is pressed and packaged within 2-3 hrs of the mature coconut being opened. This means that you get a delicious coconut oil free of any impurities or contaminants. "DME" stands for: Direct, Micro, Expelling - Fast, Produced in small communities, not mass produced. Alpha's Coconut Oil is a great substitute for butter!

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