BNU Policy Dialogues: Mega Projects & Climate Change

Описание к видео BNU Policy Dialogues: Mega Projects & Climate Change

As China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the US's Build Back Better World (B3W) gain momentum, understanding their implications for climate change is paramount. The panel will primarily focus on the transnational dynamics shaping these initiatives and their environmental impact. The panelists will present their perspectives on how China's BRI, with its massive infrastructure investments across Asia, Africa, and Europe, intersects with climate goals and social sustainability efforts. Conversely, it will examine the potential of the United States B3W to foster sustainable infrastructure and promote climate resilience in developing nations.

By comparing these approaches, and understanding the South-Asian context, the discussion aims to map out pathways for collaborative, climate-conscious mega-project development on a global scale.

Opening Remarks:
Dr. Yinghao He

Michael Kugelman
Amb. Mansoor Ahmad Khan
Dr. Atif Bilal Aslam

Ghammaz H. Sandhu

Closing Remarks:
M. Omar Farooq


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