Truth...Too Old To Die Young S01E10

Описание к видео Truth...Too Old To Die Young S01E10

“Soon, violence will become erotic, torture euphoric. As the masses hail public executions, propelled by the wrath of fascism, concentration camps will be rebuilt, ignorance will be exalted, and there will be race wars, for hate will be rewarded and seen as truthful and beautiful. Faith will be reduced to venomous platitudes, a morphine-infested enslavement of thought. Perversity will be dignified. Incest, molestation, and pedophilia will all be praised. Rape will be rewarded. The few will have everything, and most will have nothing, for not all men are created equal. Narcissism will no longer be suppressed, but worshipped as a virtue. Indulging ones impulses will become instinctual. Our identities will be defined by the pain we cause. Pure unadulterated nihilism will be the only solution in the face of glorious death. In time, we will have our own religion, our own dynasty, and with it, we will wake the true fury of the world. And as man implodes in a wash of blood and silence, a new mutation will emerge. And on that day, i will declare the dawn of innocence.”


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