What is the Cosmere?

Описание к видео What is the Cosmere?

An introduction to Brandon Sanderson's epic shared universe, the Cosmere.

Credit to the incredibly talented artists here:

Howard Lyon: https://www.howardlyon.com/

Miranda Meeks: http://mirandameeks.com/

Isaac Stewart: https://www.isaacstewart.com/

Dan Dos Santos: https://www.dandossantos.com/

Steve Argyle: https://www.steveargyle.com/

Dominik Broniek: https://www.deviantart.com/dominikbro...

Ari Ibarra: https://ariirf.com/

Ashley Coad:   / solarpines  

Shuravf:   / shuravf  

#brandonsanderson #thecosmere #booktube


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