Magical Properties of Mugwort

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For psychic skills, it's burned and inhaled, and it's put into tea to clean amulets and stones. Place near the bed to promote astral travel or around divination and scrying tools to improve their power. Mugwort grows all across the world, and it's used in a variety of civilizations. Mugwort was regarded a sacred herb by the Aztecs and was used for incense. It has long been utilized in witchcraft traditions to induce lucid dreaming, astral projection, and the enhancement of psychic abilities. The dried blooming tops of the plant are claimed to encourage vivid dreams when placed in a pouch under a pillow. Mugwort was also burned by Native Americans to purify the spiritual and physical surroundings around them. The herb was used to fend off evil spirits in ancient China, Japan, and Europe.

Mugwort is also known as St. John's Plant in the Netherlands and Germany. It got its folklore name since it was thought that gathering your mugwort on St. John's Eve would offer you with extra protection against illness or bad luck.

In rituals aimed at curing depression, use mugwort baths or incense.
Create a set of smudge sticks out of dried mugwort for use in rituals involving prophesy or divination.
Put mugwort under your pillow to protect yourself against astral attacks or psychic attacks from individuals who wish to harm you.
To attract the Fae, plant mugwort in your garden.
Burn mugwort as part of a Litha-themed incense combination.
Use a wash made from fresh mugwort steeped in hot water to clean your magical area or ritual implements.
Mugwort can be used to make a protective oil for your home and property.
Make a magic broom or besom out of mugwort and use it to sweep negative energies out of your home.

Side effects that may occur
Mugwort is a potent medicinal herb that has a wide range of benefits for human health. However, some of its active ingredients, such as thujone, can cause liver damage, nausea, and convulsions in high dosages.

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