Depth of field and crop factor misconceptions.

Описание к видео Depth of field and crop factor misconceptions.

There is still a lot of incorrect information out there about -
-Depth of field
-Crop sensor vs full frame cameras
-Light refraction

And it seems many people who profess to know all about their camera gear, don't actually fully know some of the basics regarding-
-Focal length
-The focus plane
-Crop factor
-The Circle of confusion
-Image noise

So I decided to talk about all of the above, and I drew some simple illustrations for you, and also took a few photos to help show what is actually happening to the light as it travels through our cameras lens.

I really hope this video is useful.

P.S. Please see the pinned comment below for a list of minor mistakes. (Youtube has changed annotations, so i couldn't add those over the video.)

In addition. here is a download zip of the out of camera photos from full frame and M43 once the CF equivalence is done correctly. -


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