Quarters Coverage - Coach Wiemers

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Quarters Coverage- Coach Weimers
Are quarters coverage is what we are going to play most of the day if we don’t have an idea of what we’re gonna get runner pass or maybe even formation were four checks is what we’re going to call in the secondary. Alright as I mentioned earlier we’re going to make a front call we do our front six player and then we also make a secondary call and allow them to communicate the call to the linebackers on what we’re going to do out of secondary. What four checks is for is what we’re going to play to the read side of coverage so if you look at this diagram here four is quarters for us obviously alright and what we’re gonna do here this is our read side it’s to the passing strength the free safety walks over here and he’ll give coverage call. Call four to the right and that’s what we’re going to play essentially are three on two zone uh over these two receivers so to get started here and there’s one thing we did a few years ago and I know this is different and it’s a little we certainly had some anxiety with it when we first started but we play our strong safety or our gorillas on the outside of the number two receiver you know we really struggled you know a few years ago that guy ever getting to the flag to defend shorter stuff the bubbles the you know the quick game stuff like that it has really cured a lot of the problems with the nickel and dime pass game that we’ve sometimes experienced and you know you got to give up some things obviously you know Can he still be a good fold and run support player we have found that he actually might lay it a little bit better because he’s got better vision in the number two receiver as far as getting cut off to get into that window and then you know with that just from a philosophy standpoint our free safety is going to be a pretty hard run fit guy you know at least as hard as we can get him to the place. So You know the gorilla is a line he’s going to line outside of number two slightly he’s going to key through the end man into the backfield or is going to be his run pass key make sure we get a good stance we angle in just slightly put the outside foot back and get a good look of what we’re seeing out of the back fielded you know we want to make sure we get good stance alignment and a good key to take care of our assignment on what we do on every play so if it’s a run play we certainly want to if we get ball at him we get a good fast key out of the tackle or out of the backfield we want to come set this edge as hard and as vertical as we can you know to you basically eliminate deep gap don’t make that too big of an area that people have to tackle in if its run away we want to get in a full angle replace that linebacker since he’s leaving in a play away and get in to that fold window obviously with square shoulders as we can and best position to tackle if its pass we’re gonna he’s essentially cruel to flag player listening to the corner for some particular calls that we’ll get into here in a little bit which would be china in and out if he gets china on the pass we’re gonna turn and china is a quick set down underneath linebacker depth of number one which he’s gonna turn and run and basically play man to man defense on the number one receiver in and out telling him what number one is doing to tell him whether to stay in the cruel or move to the flat so that guys ended up being good layer for us so really has become a good crueled of flat player in quarters coverage we don’t get beat in the flat near as often in quarters because it is a lineman that may be what we’re used to its really easy and those you guys that coach offense that guy lines up in here its real easy to throw this one out here or this guy out here too often and I don’t know why it’s what we coach in offense and we were going to do that until he did something about it and because of this guy’s alignment we find that less often to cover the weak spot of quarters coverage which is the flap so the free safety to the read side cause that’s where he’s going we’re going to take an alignment that’s best alignment in between the end man and the number two receiver obviously if we feel like its pass we’re gonna line closer to two if we feel like its run we may even tighten down and align closer to the box it’s an eight to ten yard alignment again depending on what we feel like is run or pass. I absolutely one-hundred percent believe your deep safety’s need to key through the offensive line
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