LiveGood Essential Oils Tutorial With Ryan And Lisa Goodkin

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In this video you'll get a LiveGood essential oils tutorial with the company product developers Ryan and Lisa Goodkin. Enjoy!

LiveGood essential oils are the concentrated oils of beneficial plants. There's three ways to consume these essential oils..

Ryan and Lisa will teach on this. The first and most obvious is the olfactory sense. Our sense of smell diffusing.

Diffusing or topical, really anything, put it into a spray bottle using it direct, putting in a bath, all the different things we'll talk about.

But again, just the aroma, just the fact that we smell it, it can lower blood pressure, it can reduce stress, it can manage your inflammatory response. It can have something to do with your immune system all just by smelling.

All essential oils this includes LiveGood essential oils have anti microbial properties. So antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal.

Second thing is topical, you will get some systemic absorption of essential oil into the bloodstream through topical application.

And then also there's a inhalation, so you inhale. And it's possible that you're getting a fair amount of absorption into the bloodstream just by inhaling, which we'll talk about aromatically via diffusing.

Lisa Goodkin states ... we get this question several times. So I'm going to address it first. And it has to do with these labels of things. So, food grade, therapeutic grade, aromatherapy grade, and it's because of the way essential oils are regulated, there is no like legal, are not regulated, there's no like real legal term called therapeutic grade or food grade.

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