【魔道祖师】: • 【魔道祖师手书】灵契第二季op精细描改 就让瑶瑾带你来探索奇妙的绘画世界吧...
【精灵】: • 【互动视频】来定制一个你喜欢的精灵头像吧~ 就让瑶瑾带你来探索奇妙的绘画世...
【性转】: • 【性转】改革春风吹满地,作者可儿变女性 就让瑶瑾带你来探索奇妙的绘画世界吧...
【赵云】: • 【化妆小游戏互动视频】来帮赵云化妆叭 就让瑶瑾带你来探索奇妙的绘画世界吧#...
【海尔兄弟】: • 【性转】这个魔鬼竟然对海尔兄弟下手了!【泳装警告】 就让瑶瑾带你来探索奇妙...
哈嘍! 歡迎來到我的頻道~
Hello! Welcome to my channel~
I am a person who loves life and paints
And like to make a picture,热爱品画的人,
Here I will make and share some beautiful works every day,
Art is not only the necessities of life,
It's still life's spice,
我們一起 尋找生活中美好的事物
Let's find the good things in life together
The video is updated every day ,New friendsRemember to pay attention~!
每日分享畫,喜歡記得訂閱哦!我在這裡教大家簡筆劃、油畫、水彩畫、兒童畫、國畫等、人物畫、兒童畫等! ,畫畫,手繪,兒童畫,簡筆劃,兒童畫,shorts
Painting is valued between resemblance and dissimilarity. If it is not resemblance, it will deceive the world. If it is resemblance, it will be kitsch, Art , painting , watercolor , sketch , oil painting , traditional Chinese painting , simple strokes , Picasso , Qi Baishi , Da Vinci
中国画大致分为人物画,中国山水画,界画,佛画,版画等。其中中国版画的起源,有汉朝说、东晋说、六朝以至隋朝说。现存我国最早的版画,有款刻年月 的,是举世闻名的“咸通”本《金刚般若波罗密经》卷首图,根据题记,作于公元868年。 四川成都唐墓出土的“至德”本版画,据估计比“咸通”本早约百年。 唐、五代时期的版画,在我国西北和吴越等地都有发现的作品。作品大多古朴俊秀,奏刀有神。 内容题材以宗教经卷为主 。
Chinese painting is roughly divided into figure painting, Chinese landscape painting, boundary painting, Buddha painting, print and so on. Among them, the origin of Chinese printmaking includes the Han Dynasty, the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Six Dynasties and even the Sui Dynasty. Among the earliest existing prints in China, the one with the date engraved is the world-famous "Xiantong" version of the Vajra Prajna paramita Sutra. According to the inscription, it was made in 868 ad. It is estimated that the Zhide print unearthed from the Tang tomb in Chengdu, Sichuan, is about 100 years earlier than the Xiantong print. The prints of Tang and Five Dynasties are found in Northwest China, Wuyue and other places. Most of the works are simple and beautiful, and they play with spirit. The main content is religious scriptures.
有色画:水粉,水彩,油画等 无色画:素描,速写等。
Western painting is divided into colored painting and colorless painting
Color painting: gouache, watercolor, oil painting, colorless painting: sketch, sketch, etc.
In addition, there are engraving, illustration, children's painting and so on.
It can also be divided into concrete painting, abstract painting and so on.
From the perspective of time and painting school, it can be divided into two parts
1、Classical painting
2、2、 Romantic painting
3、 Realistic painting
4、 Impressionism, Neo Impressionism and Post Impressionism painting
5、 Painting coexisting with Post Impressionism
,The spring breeze under the pen is a tragic business; the rough branches and big leaves are made from the thick leaves; the Danqing is still the same; the Danqing is a real Danqing is a real Danqing is a real Danqing is a real-world Danqing is a real-life mouse, a point screen is a fly, a fly, a fly, an ice painting grease, an ice painting grease, an east-to-west painting, an angle painting head, a painting grease, a painting wall, an ice painting, an ice painting, an integration, an integration, an integration, an integration, an integration, an integration, an integration, an integration, a family of a pheasant, a mountain help, an opening of a Buddha's light, a Buddha's light myexperience is like painting, my writing is like a fly, my skillful hands are brilliant, my playing skills are simple, my piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are exquisite, my craftsman is skillful, my painting is simple, my painting is simple, my painting is simple and my painting is simple The rise and fall of the rabbit, the fall of the rabbit, the wrong writing, the wind and thunder of writing
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