Islamic Financial Instruments - Modes of Islamic Banking and Finance | AIMS UK

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Modes of Islamic banking and finance are a type of financial product that complies with Sharia law. Sharia-compliant finance is a system of banking or investing that is based on Islamic principles. Some of the main principles of Sharia-compliant finance are the prohibition of riba (usury) and the promotion of risk-sharing. As a result, Islamic financial instruments often differ from conventional financial products in terms of their structure and how they work. For example, an Islamic home purchase loan might be structured as a murabahah transaction, where the bank purchases the property on behalf of the customer and then sells it to the customer at an agreed upon price, plus profit. Similarly, an Islamic investment account might be structured as a mudarabah, where the investor provides capital to the bank and agrees to share in any profits (or losses) generated from the investment. While there are many different types of Islamic financial instruments available, they all share the common goal of complying with Sharia law.

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Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance
Certified Islamic Banker (CIB)
Certified Islamic Finance Expert (CIFE)
Master Diploma in Islamic Finance (MDIF)
MBA in Islamic Banking and Finance
PhD Islamic Finance


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