TNAU admission 2020/ Agricultural University Undergraduate Admissions 2020-21/SD academy

Описание к видео TNAU admission 2020/ Agricultural University Undergraduate Admissions 2020-21/SD academy

Tamilnadu Agricultural University Undergraduate Admissions 2020-21/ #TNAUadmission2020/#SDacademy
1. Go to
2. Click “Undergraduate”.
3. Click on “New Registration”.
(Note: All information should be entered carefully)
4. Complete the candidate Registration form to receive your user ID and
password in YOUR registered personal mobile and e-mail.
(Note: The registered mobile number and e-mail ID must be accessible by the
candidate all the time for receiving all communications related to admission.
Use of e-mail ID and mobile number of others (like friends, relatives, internet
browsing centres, etc.) are HIGHLY DISCOURAGED. In such cases, there is a risk
of missing important communication from TNAU)
5. Note down the User ID and Password sent to your registered mobile and email.
6. Click on “Proceed to Application” button.
7. Complete the Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, and Step 4 of online application. For
more details, read the specimen copy of the application in PDF file format,
available in
Scanned copies of Marklist of Tenth, Twelfth and Transfer Certificate
(mandatory) and Community Certificate/ Nativity Certificate (as applicable)
are to be uploaded during the online application process. ONLY on successful
uploading of these scanned documents, candidates could SUBMIT the filled in
application. Candidates opting for any of the special reservations have to
upload the required documents later when intimated by SMS/ e-mail.
8. Complete the online payment using e-payment link (available in Step 4 of
online application). Fee is Rs. 600/- (Rs. 300/- for SC / SCA / ST Candidates).
(Note: In case, you have not received the payment reference number from
TNAU, please wait for 24 hours. The reference number will be sent to your
registered Mobile number and e-mail. If your attempt of payment is a failure,
repeat from Instruction No.8 above to complete the payment process).
9. Login again with your user ID and password to download and print
Joint Declaration Form and Appendices / Checklist. THIS COMPLETES AND
other documents and originals must be produced at the time of admission /
certificate verification only. PLEASE DO NOT SEND JOINT DECLARATION FORM
10. Candidates can edit their application online on the stipulated dates which
will be intimated through website / SMS.
11. Candidates who have applied for seats under Differently Abled / Exservicemen
/ Descendants of Freedom Fighter / Eminent Sports Person Quota
/ Industry Sponsorship / Non Resident Indian (NRI) Quota must submit the
signed Joint Declaration form along with the necessary Documents and
Annexure that were scanned and uploaded during the Online Application
process at the time of verification which will be intimated later.


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