The Duchess of Kent on Wimbledon & Jana Novotná (UK) - BBC News - 2nd July 2018

Описание к видео The Duchess of Kent on Wimbledon & Jana Novotná (UK) - BBC News - 2nd July 2018

The Duchess of Kent was the British Royal face for many Wimbledon tournaments in the second half of the 20th Century until 2001.

Here (aged 84) she discusses Wimbledon and those famous moments with Jana Novotná, who sadly died last year (in 2017) of cancer, aged only 49.

I f you would like to know why she left in 2001 and boycotted Wimbledon, it was an incident in 1999, which you can read about here:

Another reason to dislike elitism, something Katherine Kent (the Duchess of Kent), has never been. Whether she worked as Kate in soup kitchens or as Mrs Kent teaching children, she is one of the nicer, more approachable royals, who you might not have heard much about.


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