Book Talk: Why White Evangelicals Support Trump

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President Trump’s enthusiastic support from white, conservative evangelical Christians has been one of the most consequential political alliances of modern times. Without white evangelicals, Trump would not have won the Republican nomination in 2016 or have benefited from unwavering conservative loyalty since taking office. But the coalition is also undeniably puzzling, given Trump’s personal moral shortcomings, and his unfamiliarity with the language and substance of evangelical Christianity.

As a journalist with decades of experience covering the intersection of religion and conservative politics, Sarah Posner has produced a nuanced and persuasive explanation of this resilient alliance in her new book, Unholy: Why White Evangelicals Worship at the Altar of Donald Trump. By listening directly to evangelicals, letting them speak for themselves about their views of Trump and conservative politics, and recognizing the diversity within the evangelical world, Posner is able to tell the story of the individual leaders and congregations as they adapted to align with Trump on issues such as immigration.

Join the Political Reform program for an online discussion of Unholy, the past and future of the relationship between Trump and evangelical leaders, and its consequences. We’ll be joined by researchers and journalists who have looked at the intersection of religion and politics from other perspectives.


Sarah Posner, @sarahposner
Reporting Fellow, Type Investigations
Author, Unholy: Why White Evangelicals Worship at the Altar of Donald Trump

Eddie Glaude, @esglaude
James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor of African American Studies, Princeton University

Chayenne Polimédio, @ChayPolimedio (moderator)
Fellow, Political Reform Program at New America


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