Make a Fancy Handle Out Of Rebar

Описание к видео Make a Fancy Handle Out Of Rebar

Making a handle out of 3/8 inch rebar using a big vise, cheap Harbor Freight anvil and a forge made from a charcoal starter and box fan.

g+ :

When you start hammering the handle make sure you keep the metal hot otherwise it will snap. Found this out twice (Not too quick on the uptake on this project).

0:23 - Making the loops to hold the handle
1:35 - Cutting metal for handle
1:40 - Charcoal chimney starter with box fan for "forge"
1:48 - Forming handle
3:24 - Wrapping handle with metal wire
4:20 - Installing handle on Wireless Ammo Box Speaker
5:18 - Burning the crap out of my hand


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