PS2 Final Fantasy XII NLBLLG - Anchag

Описание к видео PS2 Final Fantasy XII NLBLLG - Anchag

NLBLLG = No Licence Board , Low Level Game(122333)

the rare game "Anchag" in the Paramina Rift.

Anchag spawns at 5:15.

every enemy in this area must be killed (or warped) otherwise Anchag will not spawn.
you DONT have to leave the area after killing the last enemy,you just have to return to Anchag´s spawning point.

Anchag has the Damascus Steel loot which is needed to create the Gemsteel loot.
Gemsteel on the other hand is needed for the Tournesol Sword.

recorded with an Elgato Capture Card HD.

My NLBLLG Playlist:
   • PS2 Final Fantasy XII NLBLLG - Challenge  

ps2 german pal version.


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