Non-circulating hydroponics from ricotta cheese containers

Описание к видео Non-circulating hydroponics from ricotta cheese containers

In less than five minutes and for under $1.00 you can make small non-circulating hydroponic systems from recycled food containers. This is also known as the 'Kratky' method. The containers are filled will nutrient solution up to about a 1/4 - 1/2 inch of the bottom of the net pot holding the plant. The roots will grow down, staying in the solution, as the plant consumes the nutrients. The roots hanging in the moist air layer above the nutrient mix perform air exchange. This is how the plant primarily gets its oxygen using the Kratky method.

For the nutrients I used Masterblend 4-18-38 mixed with Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom salt) and Calcium Nitrate. The strength was 350 ppm and pH 6.1. The peppers I used were Yellow Chiltepin and Thai Dragon. These containers wouldn't be a good long-term solution, the plants will eventually need to be moved to larger containers. This does buy time though while I'll decide how I'm going to grow them to maturity.


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