Evolution of Wasm: Past, Present, Future - Bailey Hayes, Cosmonic

Описание к видео Evolution of Wasm: Past, Present, Future - Bailey Hayes, Cosmonic

Evolution of Wasm: Past, Present, Future - Bailey Hayes, Cosmonic

Wasm has evolved greatly as a standard and technology from the early design days in 2015. Some standards take a long time, while others can be quick evolutionary events. But sometimes, it is hard to know all of the history and work that has gone into bringing Wasm to the point it is at today. This talk will focus on bringing to light all of the work that has been done and what is being worked on by the ever-growing Wasm community. To start, we will delve into the history and evolution of Wasm, explore its current capabilities and use cases, and discuss the future of Wasm. With that knowledge, we will review the component model and its potential impact to how we write applications today. By the end of this talk, attendees will have a better understanding of what Wasm is and why it matters, as well as a glimpse into its potential as a game-changer for the software industry.


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