British Accent Training Exercise! MODERN RP (Shadowing Technique)

Описание к видео British Accent Training Exercise! MODERN RP (Shadowing Technique)

0:00 Introduction
0:19 How to develop a modern RP accent
1:05 Why the shadowing technique?
2:11 Listen to the story! (Improve listening skills)
4:47 Repeat after me! (Improve speaking skills)
11:04 Read it with me! (Improve British accent)
13:59 Outro

Train your Modern RP British Accent, speaking and listening skills using the shadowing technique! Today, I will tell you a short story, about my crazy experience with a group of wild deer in Japan.

The shadowing technique is the perfect way to improve your British accent and speaking skills, and allows you to become more confident in your everyday life!

The first part of the video will help you to improve your British English listening skills. For the second part, you will repeat what I have just said, which will improve your British English speaking skills. For the third part, we will be reading the story together (shadowing technique) to help train your modern RP British accent.


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