Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio - The love and defiance of being alive

Описание к видео Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio - The love and defiance of being alive

The song is from the band Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio.
You can find it in their new album "O N A N I (Practise makes perfect)"

I don't know who's the author of the photography, but if you know it, tell me =)

If the owner of the song wants me to delete this video from YouTube, just contact me and I'll do it.


To live is the strangest of
feelings; it makes you desire so
many things
The love and defiance
of being alive

The lovers have
stopped to believe; conviction is
no longer needed
The feeling of
pain it makes us alive

Hate is
the strangest of feelings; it
gives you so many things
The love
and desire to feel and

The children destroy just
to see; a reason has never been
They hurt just to feel
that they are alive

To live is the
strangest of feelings; it makes
you desire so many things
The love and defiance of being

The lovers defile to be
pleased; compassion is no longer
In bondage they feel that
they are conceived

passion and fire of love is
The fire of life is
complete; it makes us conceive so
many things

The life we desire
corrodes while we dream

live is the strangest of feelings;
it makes you desire so many
The love and defiance of
being alive

The lovers have
stopped to believe; conviction is
no longer needed
The feeling of
pain it makes us alive

Hate is
the strangest of feelings; it
gives you so many things
The love
and desire to feel and

The fire of life is
complete; it makes us conceive so
many things
The life we desire
corrodes while we dream


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