Argentine Tango Lesson 4: Side Step Extension

Описание к видео Argentine Tango Lesson 4: Side Step Extension

In Argentine Tango, we can go four general directions, forward, back, or side to the left or right. We can go in those directions with either leg. In this lesson, we are looking at how we can communicate and follow a side step. We need to begin with the technique it takes to move to the side.

When the leader decides to go to the side, they must first know that their partner's weight is on the opposite foot that they will be stepping with. When the leader takes a step to the side, they begin by bending their knee in preparation to "launch" themselves in the side step direction of their choice. If the leader is maintaining their frame, then they will engage with the follower as a consequence of the follower being strong on their axis and the leader moving in a direction without bending their frame.

At that first moment of engagement where pressure is created, the follower will feel the direction and extend their leg in that direction in preparation to step. The leader will then launch themselves into the step and the follower will be taken by the leader to the new location.

Followers, when you extend your leg, be sure that the point where your foot is most extended is not guaranteed to be the end point of your step. The leader most likely will be asking you to take a larger step than the length of your leg.


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