Cedar Lake Bus Race | The Lightning Special 5.11.24

Описание к видео Cedar Lake Bus Race | The Lightning Special 5.11.24

Welcome to the 2024 Cedar Lake Bus Race the Lighting Special!
This year the track was packed with 12 buses, 2 of which were Lighting McQueen!

Every year the day before Mother's Day, Cedar Lake Speedway puts on a show for the school bus race with not only the bus race itself but also spectator drags. So fun fact, I wasn't originally planning on going to this event but due to scheduling changes I got the chance to go this year, and I plan on coming back next year too.
By the way, the reason the video quality jumps from grainy to clear sometimes is because my camera had issues with its battery and it kept dying, so I had to switch over to my phone to record.

•(Race Spoilers!!!)

If you didn't catch who won the race overall, it was St.Croix Falls, their bus was the Ricky Bobby bus.

Filmed and Edited by Me
GoPro Footage by ‪@theracingconnection‬, I thank you kindly for letting me use your Footage, it was sick!

Music Used in Order Featured:
•"Real Gone" by Sheryl Crow
•"Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns N' Roses
•"Kickstart My Heart" By
•"Humans Being" by Van Halen
•"Route 66" by John Mayer

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