Dr. Epstein - 5 months Post-Op Surgical Hairline Advancement (SHA)

Описание к видео Dr. Epstein - 5 months Post-Op Surgical Hairline Advancement (SHA)

Dr. Epstein discusses the results of a patient 5 months post-op SHA. The patient's main concern was her overly high hairline, approximately 9-10 sonometers (centimeters) from the brow. This was shortened to 5.5-6 sonometers, 4 sonometers of advancement with a barely detectable incision.

The hairline advancement/lowering procedure can lower the overly high hairline whether due to genetics, hair loss, or prior surgery such as browlifts. Most commonly it is performed on women, where the high forehead can be shortened. In addition, it is possible to actually change the shape of the hairline, making it more oval or rounded by filling in the upper temporal/side regions, creating a more feminine appearance. This is a procedure in which Dr. Epstein specializes, performing them on average two to three times weekly, mostly on patients who travel in for the procedure.

For more information please email [email protected] or visit us at http://www.womenscenterforhairloss.com/ or http://www.foundhair.com/


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