proxychains timeout error 100% fixed in Kali Linux 2022 #3

Описание к видео proxychains timeout error 100% fixed in Kali Linux 2022 #3

Install proxy chains in ubuntu 2020.4 is the only way to stay anonymous online. This is the latest and greatest Proxychains 2020 tutorial please watch the full video. I've already uploaded the Proxy chains kali Linux tutorial for beginners. Installing Proxychains on

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Proxychains #2 Stay Anonymous
If you want to know How To Setup Proxychains In Kali Linux with 100% working proof must check the video linked below:
👉    • How To Setup Proxy chains In Kali Lin...  

Proxychains #3 Stay Anonymous
If you are still facing any kind of problem you can go for the 3rd video, which is a bash script that will help you to set up proxychains in few clicks.
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+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Click to check out the list of commands and configuration file: List of commands

Today we are going to learn How to install proxychains in ubuntu 2020.4 without any error.
Step 1: Update and upgrade the Ubuntu 20.4
sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y

Step 2: Download the proxychains and tor service
sudo apt install proxychains tor

Step 3: Configure the proxychains and tor script
nano or gedit text editor
sudo apt install gedit nano

a. Configure the proxychains
cd into the directory or use the command
sudo nano /etc/proxychains.conf
sudo gedit /etc/proxychains.conf

b. Configure the tor script
sudo gedit /etc/tor/torrc
sudo nano /etc/tor/torrc

Step 4: Start tor service
sudo service tor start
check tor service status
sudo service tor status

Step 5: Start tor
Open a new terminal and type tor
If it shows an error please ignore that

Step 6: Start proxy chains now
Watch the video to complete the 6th step and must subscribe to EFX Tv
For firefox users
proxychains firefox

For google chrome users
proxychains google-chrome

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