How much theatre can I see in a month? ✈️ The Great Theatre Adventure travel vlog compilation

Описание к видео How much theatre can I see in a month? ✈️ The Great Theatre Adventure travel vlog compilation

The complete compilation of every travel vlog originally posted on tiktok for The Great Theatre Adventure! From regional world premieres in the US to a full on theatre binge at the Edinbirgh fringe, here is every day on my mission to see as much theatre as possible over the span of a month across 6 cities and over 70 shows. One bag, one dream, one unforgettable month of theatre!
00:00 Day 1 - Heading off to LA
01:22 Day 2 - LA and How do I afford this?
02:41 Day 3 - A travel nightmare begins
04:01 Day 4 - Escape from LA
05:02 Day 5 - History happens in Boston
06:25 Day 6 - Boston touristy day
07:56 Day 7 - A Chicago detour
09:11 Day 8 - Chicago and baggage
10:24 Day 9 - Off to NYC!
11:31 Day 10 - Broadway Con Day 1
12:42 Day 11 - More Broadway Con and my fav show
14:06 Day 12 - Broadway Con but with all the schedule conflicts
15:44 Day 13 - Getting ready to cross the pond
17:16 Day 14 - London! Jetlag! Two original musicals!
18:27 Day 15 - A 3.5 show day in London
19:35 Day 16 - An unintentional Sunset Boulevard themed day
20:47 Day 17 - An very unauthorized HP themed day
21:50 Day 18 - A theatre adjacent day in London
23:28 Day 19 - Let's go to Fringe!
25:03 Day 20 - Ok, Fringe is theatre heaven
26:09 Day 21 - Fringe on no planning
27:34 Day 22 - A perfect Fringe 9 show day
29:19 Day 23 - One last day in Edinburgh and my Fringe acting debut!
30:34 Day 24 - Back to London and TRAINS!
31:42 Day 25 - Another perfect London day
32:43 Day 26 - So Long, London
33:45 Day 27 - Back to Edinburgh as my body rebels
34:53 Day 28 - Winging it at Fringe again
36:19 Day 29 - One last day at Fringe but for real this time
37:53 Day 30 - Back to NYC finally
39:24 Day 31 - The Great Adventure comes to an end


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