Make bear bile extraction a nightmare of the past

Описание к видео Make bear bile extraction a nightmare of the past

Education for Nature – Vietnam (ENV) releases its latest Public Service Announcement (PSA) depicting a remorseful bear farmer who decides to surrender his captive bear. The film is intended to make the case against bear farming and the usage of bear bile products, ultimately putting an end to the bear farming industry in Vietnam.

This PSA portrays a bear’s worst nightmare: being exploited for bile. While only a bad dream for the bear in the film, this cruel and illegal business remains a harsh reality for nearly 432 bears in Vietnam.

To end the bear bile industry in Vietnam completely, it is imperative for the people of Vietnam to stop any and all usage of bear bile products. Educate those around you and take action by reporting any suspected wildlife crimes to ENV’s Wildlife Crime Hotline 1800-1522.
This PSA is one part of the long-running campaign by ENV, in collaboration with its partners FOUR PAWS International, World Animal Protection, and the Vietnamese government, to expedite an end to bear farming and to protect Vietnam’s few remaining wild bears.


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