Heredity- Why you look the way you do?

Описание к видео Heredity- Why you look the way you do?

The passing of traits from one generation to another.
It helps answer why you look the way you do.
Welcome to MooMooMath and Science
In this video I would like to talk about Heredity
or why you look the way you do.
Have you ever wondered why you look a little like mom and dad,but not exactly.
Heredity is the passing of traits from one generation to another.
What are traits?
Traits are characteristics that can be passed from one generation to another.
Examples include your eye color, the color of a dog, or the beak of a bird.
In the 1800's Gregor Mendel, while growing pea plants noticed that some traits like height of a plant may change from one generation to the next.
For example, if he crossed two tall plants together, in the first generation he would get tall plants.
However, in the second generation he may get three tall and one short plant.
He classified the first generation trait as the dominant trait. The trait that was masked of covered up as the recessive trait.
The reason you get dominant and recessive traits is that you get one copy of the trait from mom and another copy from your dad.
Most human cells are diploid because they contain a set of chromosomes.
This helps explain why you look similar to your mom and dad, but not exactly.
Since Mendel's time there is been a whole field of Science that studies heredity called genetics.
Lately the field of genetics has been busy.
They have mapped the human genome,cloned animals, and find cures for genetic disease.
Hope this helps with your understanding of heredity.
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