Our Rookie Mistakes | Learning to Sail From YouTube - Part 4

Описание к видео Our Rookie Mistakes | Learning to Sail From YouTube - Part 4

We're back on the water at Corio Bay in our 18 foot trailer sailer, Lady Emma. Today we're doing a loop trip through the Hopetoun and North Channels of Corio Bay. We cook up some lunch on the metho stove and the kids spot a Banjo Shark.

I'm not trying to show people how to sail but if you want to learn, it can done. Chase your dreams and make them happen.

Join us as we venture offroad, chasing landscapes painted with rich sunset colours and some beautiful swimming holes.

Get out there and travel Australia, it's amazing.

Also a big thanks to my wife Racheal (AKA - WE SHOOT STUFF PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICES) and Amelie for there awesome photography. Check out her facebook page or website www.weshootstuff.com.au


Thanks for watching. Don't forget to like & subscribe.
Leave a comment below if you have any questions or want to share your adventures.


Artist : Joel Cummins
Song : Everything Has a Beginning

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Song : Looping Ascent


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