Why Is My Jasmine Not Flowering? ~ Chinese, Star ~ Winter Jasmin - Jasminum polyanthum

Описание к видео Why Is My Jasmine Not Flowering? ~ Chinese, Star ~ Winter Jasmin - Jasminum polyanthum

The Secret to Get Your Winter Jasmine Polyantnum to bloom every year indoors.

Buy Your Own White Jasmine Polyanthum Here: https://geni.us/Jasmine-polyanthum

In this video, I want to share with you the secret to getting your Winter Jasmin to flower abundantly every year as a houseplant.

After my last video, I had quite a few people tell me that they can’t get their Jasmin to flower after the first year..

So stay tuned because there are two very important things that you MUST do in order to firstly get your jasmine polyanthum to flower again but also to flower well with lots and lots of beautiful sweet-smelling flowers indoors. So stay tuned and I will reveal all..

Some people will buy a jasmine polyanthum and it will flower that year and smell amazing but then never flower again so they just throw it away. That’s a real shame because they are amazing plants that offer such amazing displays every year together with the most amazing scent, especially when you have plenty of flowers.
I have had quite a few people contact me after my last Jasmin video asking about this issue so here is my tips to getting the most from your winter Jasmin.

Firstly you should prune after flowering in late spring, remove the old dead flowers and cut back the stems, at this point if you keep it cool enough you might get a second flowering which is a bonus!

Now the next thing I do is put it outside for the summer and autumn period so most of the time it will be outside in its pot, place it somewhere that will get some direct sun for a period of time but not full sun all day because that will fry it, especially if you live in a hot part of the world in which case give it some morning sun.

So just water it regularly throughout the summer and let it grow away with an occasional feed of diluted plant food, say half strength, as it grows it will get quite straggly as it’s a climber it puts out shoots, if you prune these shoots back every so often what will happen is it will split off and produce two more shoots, so if you keep doing this over the summer you will have more and more offshoots, each of these will eventually create flower buds in late autumn so the more shoots you prune back in the summer the more flowers you will have in the summer, that’s why if you ever see a well clipped climbing Jasmin in a garden it will be full of flowers! So you can prune your Jasmin until the autumn but be sure to stop pruning around October time in the UK which is out autumn.

So after the pruning the next crucial thing that your Jasmin MUST have is a period of cold temperature in late autumn, so this would be around 10 Celsius or 50 degrees Fahrenheit, and not for a day or two, it needs a few months of this temperature to stimulate the production of the flower buds.

So in the UK I leave my Jasmine outside until late Autumn when the temps are around 10c and bring it inside before any frosts because we don’t want it to get frosted, but even when I bring it in I leave it in my back porch which will still have low night-time temps throughout the winter and so it will be protected from the frosts but will still be kept in cool temps from October until it flowers in March, so if you have an unheated area of your house that is cool or a garage with windows so it still gets light then this would be a good place to keep it, then it will produce the flower buds from all the pruned offshoots over the summer and come late February early March you will get an amazing display of flowers if you want them to last the longest try to keep it somewhere cool, but if you just want to enjoy the flowers and the scent you can bring it inside the house for the flowering period but be aware that the flowers may last less time in a warm environment.


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