[SUB]결혼과 출산이 어려운 이유?Why is it difficult to get married and give birth? | Married couple start-up

Описание к видео [SUB]결혼과 출산이 어려운 이유?Why is it difficult to get married and give birth? | Married couple start-up

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-에그타르트 https://neulgomcake.cafe24.com/surl/O/30
-미트파이 https://neulgomcake.cafe24.com/surl/O/29

늘곰케이크는 2016년 아산에서 창업해 8년째 부부가 함께 운영하고 있는 디저트 카페입니다.
이 영상은 여성 사장님의 경험을 통해
카페의 성장과 결혼, 출산에 대한 이야기를 담고 있습니다.
이야기를 나눠봤습니다.
영상을 보시고 많은 도움이 되셨으면 좋겠습니다^^.

NeulGomCake is a dessert café that was founded in 2016 in Asan and has been run by a husband and wife for 8 years now.
This video is about the growth of the café, marriage, and childbirth through the experience of the female owner.
We've talked about it.
I hope you can watch the video and find it helpful^^

#cafe #café #카페브이로그 #디저트 #카페 #창업 #아산디저트카페 #아산맛집 #김미경 #명언 #동기부여 #성장 #출산 #결혼 #child birth #Marriage


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