Wild Savanna: Aardvark, Scent, Swimming and More

Описание к видео Wild Savanna: Aardvark, Scent, Swimming and More

A showcase of a few animals and mechanics that I have been working on (Note: this video does not show everything).
Showcased in this video:
-Animals: Aardvark, olive baboon, Nile crocodile, and others
-Mechanics: Scent, swimming, free climbing, burrowing, jumping, alarm calls, various animations, and wind direction
The "Recode Update" Explained:
-The "recode update" is just an update to the coding of the game where every animal shares the same script.

-This will make it easier when adding new animals or mechanics to the game.

-This also means that every animal will be able to do the same basic things, such as drinking, swimming, attacking, etc.

-Not everything planned for the game as a whole will be in this singular update.

-The game will look and feel similar to how it is now once this update is released, but it will have some changes.

-The only changes would be the addition of a few new animals, the addition of animals that were removed previously, a few new mechanics, slight changes to existing mechanics, and giving all animals their basic animations and functions.
A few mechanics explained:
-Wind Direction: the game will have wind that blows in a certain direction. Scent particles and flying birds will be affected by this wind direction.

-Scent: scent particles will be affected by wind direction. Different species will have different levels of scent detection, and some species won't be able to use scent at all. The information given for the scent depends on the species. Depending on what you are, you will be able to smell potential food sources, carcasses/blood, territory markers, body odors, and water. Each of these sources will be color coded.

-Free Climbing: You will be able to climb anywhere on the tree, and do various things in trees, such as eat, attack, rest, move around, etc. Different species will have varying degrees of climbing ability, and some won't be able to climb at all. Some species will be able to climb on rocks as well as trees.

-Alarm Calls: this is already a thing currently in game, but the way it works has been changed. You will now only be able to alarm call if a predator is in your view and is within a certain distance of you, as shown in this video.


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