🕊Eternal Fighter vs. Queen Of Fighter Mugen Roster (DOWNLOAD)

Описание к видео 🕊Eternal Fighter vs. Queen Of Fighter Mugen Roster (DOWNLOAD)

❥ Hello,

⋆୨୧˚ You guys seemed to like my first full game vs. type of roster or whatever, so I decided to get another released before starting you know it's time to work on the main huge projects that currently I have added to my to-do list and that is currently up in the community polls. I actually gotten this idea out of drafts that I had for making something similar to a full game mugen roster except it's like yknow something vs. something. SO, this is what was in the drafts this was one of the ideas that I decided to push out for you all since you guys seem to gariner a liking to vs. type of mugens. so yep.

⋆୨୧˚ I most likely will be pushing out more of these until it is time to work on the much bigger projects that is in my to-do list of my discord server and until, the polls for screenpacks are over as well. that being said, enough of the blabber this is quite self-explanitory, it's eternal fighter vs queen of fighter, and when it comes to these I make sure to add all the chars in there especially the edits that's how I intent on doing these vs. mugens like there will be edits of chars from bother sides and such. so yeah, I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did because I had a lil bit too much fun with this to the point I played this for a long time as you could tell by the timestamp of this video lmao.

【☆】★【☆】 You can download it here 【☆】★【☆】
𓆩☻𓆪 https://tii.la/EVk0L9joge


✰ ┊ Disclaimers as per usual....
● You can remove/add chars as you please
● You can remove/replace non-working/crash inducing chars
● You can remove/add stages as you please.
● If you have issues downloading a mugen, make use of a download manager, increase your internet speed (if you can afford it) or, just utilize your resources and research a fix for it (cuz sometimes it would even be out of my hands to fix it)
● If there's a char on here you dislike, due to personal reasons or so, feel free to remove them. (good luck with that)
● Sezuire warning for a few characters on there, some got some pretty flashy movesets. if anything happens stop playing immediately if you have epilepsy.
● Some of these characters have horror elements, if horror is not your thing you're free to remove those characters (I'm talkin jumpscares, demonic messaging/symbolism, and dark imagery btw).
Last but not least.....
● If you upload this mugen anywhere else and I mean ANYWHERE even your own discord server, PLEASE GIVE CREDIT! you know very well you ain't made this roster, so when uploading mention/link my channel please or, feel free to even link my discord and/or socials instead.

☄Also, if you didn't read my community post or announcement from many many days ago for now on this section you won't get this but, let me explain. from now, on I will put the status of when I accept mugen requests; such as characters and rosters. if you ignore the status and you still ask for a mugen request when it's closed I will ignore you/block you :D

✅ MUGEN REQUEST STATUS: CLOSED ✅ (I'll also update when it's closed via the comment section for those who don't want to join the discord for some reason)

⊂⊃Discord:   / discord  
⊂⊃MFFA: https://mugenfreeforall.com/profile/1...
⊂⊃andersonkenya1: https://www.andersonkenya1.net/profil...


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